we arrived at the hospital at 8am and waited until 9:30am to get a room. Even though knowing Emmy would be born on that day, we didn't have any idea about what's gonna happen. I imagined that I would give birth to her 2 hours after we settle in. But that wasn't it.
The nurse started giving me pitocin through the IV around 10am. We continued our longest wait ever. My contractions were irregular. We asked how long would it be and learned that we were looking at a 10 to 14 hours wait. We were so eager that this brought us down a little. Oh well, we've waited for almost 9 months, some more hours were nothing. Yet time seemed to be dreading as I once again stayed still in bed, facing the clock on the wall.
Around 6pm, my doctor came and check me. I was only a little more than 4cm dilated. To speed up, doctor Bui broke my water. I was a little scared. From then, I could feel the contractions getting more regular and stronger.
Around 8pm, the pain was excruciating. I screamed along every contractions. My husband was there holding my hand, trying everything he could to help. I knew that, but I couldn't care less. All I knew was pain. I asked him to hold my hand only but do not speak to me, I was afraid that the meanest things would come out of my mouth if I were to exchange any words.
Around 9pm, the nurse instructed me to start pushing whenever I felt the contractions. I tried, and tried, and tried. Each time I got a better hang of this pushing business. Each time I felt more exhausted. But I still pushed with every contractions since I'd rather be exhausted than feel the contraction pain.
The final push, I think I felt her head coming out and as the doctor pulled out the rest of her, I felt her being pulled out of me. Then I heard Emmy's loud cry. I could finally relax.